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The Lighthouse Learning Wall
When Should My Child Start Swimming
Swimming is a great way to beat the heat, get in some exceptional exercise, and have a great time doing it!  There are wonderful benefits to swimming but many parents don't know when to get... Keep Reading
Skin Care with Children
It's summer time! That means outdoor fun with family and friends and lots of time in the sun.  This is great for quality time with your children but it's important to protect your family's skin... Keep Reading
The Whole Child Blog Series: Best Behaviors
Everyone loves to be around a well-behaved child, but lets be honest - raising well-rounded, thoughtful and responsible children is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. It is understandable... Keep Reading
The Whole Child Blog Series: Balanced Bodies
Healthy, balanced meals are important - but are you providing the means for a balanced body? The development of a balanced body in today's technology-focused society also includes the development of... Keep Reading
The Whole Child Blog Series: Healthy Brains
As I have gotten older, I have become more concerned about keeping my brain sharp. Cleveland Clinic has a site called "Healthy Brains," which provides a free "brain checkup." I am the proud owner of... Keep Reading
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