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The Lighthouse Learning Wall
Technology and Children
Technology is a big part of almost everything we do in the world today. Some find it disheartening, while others see technology as an asset in their lives. Either way, there’s no denying... Keep Reading
Winter Fun For Everyone
Well-intentioned people have taught us that letting kids play outdoors in the cold will cause them to get sick. But with the proper clothing, playing in the cold is not only okay, but can actually... Keep Reading
The Importance of Extracurricular Activities
When teaching and raising children, it can be easy to get caught up in the numbers game of academics and cognitive development. Making sure your child is learning and progressing to their full... Keep Reading
Learning Through Play
A child's natural inclination is to play. It's a creative avenue where they are free to experiment and explore the world around them. If parents, teachers and caregivers provide productive play... Keep Reading
Benefits to Early Sign Lanaguage
Imagine living your life without being able to verbalize your desires. That is your child's reality in the very beginning stages of life before they develop language. Without a way to communicate... Keep Reading
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